Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Who had the bright idea?

I've had this going through my head for a while now...

The whole idea of the "Prince Charming", the "Knight in shining armor" and the like, HAD to be invented by a guy, with the sole purpose of lifting himself up and to keep us under his foot..

I think it all stems from the "Adam and Eve" story... and it was done as a way of 'punishing' the rest of us for Eve's idea of giving Adam the famous apple!

Because if not, please tell me WHY are we taught as little girls that these handsome, rich and powerful men will one day come galloping our way to 'rescue' us? Why aren't little boys told fairy tales about beautiful, successful and independent women?

And how many times do we have to kiss the frog, before the REAL Prince appears?

One of my favorite quotes of all times comes from Charlotte in SATC:
"I've been dating since I'm fifteen. I'm exhausted! Where the hell is he?!?!
THAT is priceless... of course, when I saw that episode, I was happily dating and not even worrying about where 'he' was... they were ALL around me!!!

But now, after being in the 'dating pool' again... I have to wonder... Where is he? For real! So far, after 2 months, I have not yet found anyone that I would remotely consider going out with... seriously...

Is it me? Have I become so cynical that I've lost my ability to trust anyone? It's just so hard to hear the same things over and over again... they sound sooooooooo fake... Don't men realize they need to change it up if they want to find a good woman? Don't they know that if they do the same thing over and over they will NOT obtain a different result?

Or are women so desperate to have a guy by their side, that they will settle for whatever comes along, and men have picked up on that, that it's so easy for them that they treat ALL WOMEN the same?

Maybe it's too early for me to start dating again... or maybe I have to let go of the idea of finding my Prince Charming...

Because seriously, I don't need a handsome, rich and powerful man in my life... what I NEED is someone who is trustworthy, who speaks the truth at all times, who works, who's not an addict, someone who has good morals and is clean, who treats kids and animals with love, and who finds me interesting enough to have a conversation about anything OTHER than sex!

Maybe it's time for a WOMAN to come up with a new fairytale for little girls...


  1. I am not sure if I believe in the whole "prince charming/fairy tale happy ending" thing but I do know that waiting for the right guy is worth it. Don't give up and don't lose faith. Even the girls from SITC found their true life partner eventually. Sometimes all of the bad dates helps us to appreciate the really great one. Great blog!

  2. Interesting! Yes I do agree that SOME men are intimidated by Independent women.


  3. I found that prayer works! I figured that after my mom's second divorce, that if she couldn't figure out who Mr. Right was, then how could I. I started praying. It works! I've been married almost 26 years to the love of my life, the most wonderful man alive who loves me unconditionally, just the way I am. God blesses abunantly! - says a persons just visiting from SITS. Have a sunshiny day, even if it just shines in your heart!

  4. Thanks, bluecottonmemory!!! Yes, I DO pray... trust me... HE is the ONLY constant in my life... and I KNOW HE blesses abundantly... HE's shown it to me over and over...Thanks for your wonderful comment!!!!

  5. a new fairytale sounds great ... why don't you write it up ...
